
Disposal and Redistribution of University Property

This policy applies to all individuals responsible for university purchases and/or disposal and disposition of university property, regardless of the procurement or disposition mechanism.

The disposition of university property that is no longer wanted by a unit should be undertaken in such a way to maximize the property’s value to the university, either through redistribution within the university or, upon the approval of University Procurement Services or the appropriate property designee of the campus (e.g. Surplus), through a sale or trade toward a new purchase when the university property is no longer usable within the university. All approved sales will be conducted by either Purchasing or the Indiana University Surplus Stores.



Units may transfer property within the IU system without the involvement of University Procurement Services or Surplus.

Units at IU Indianapolis may contact Surplus/Stores to determine if unwanted property can be sold through Surplus.

The sale of any IU property to a non-IU entity must be managed through the University Procurement Services and/or Surplus/Stores based on current market conditions and other factors.

Proceeds from a sale of property under this section may be shared or given to the unit releasing the property if the unit has adhered to the policies and procedures governing the disposal of property by the IU Indianapolis Surplus Operations.

Regardless of condition or value, you may NOT give IU property to any person or entity. In some situations, property may be donated to agencies or entities. However, this process can only be accommodated through approval from the Associate Vice President of University Procurement Services.

Please refer to the complete policy (FIN-PURCH-11) for detailed information regarding disposition of property.


Goods, material or items, regardless of cost or value, that are purchased or received through a sanctioned Indiana University process.


Capital equipment is tangible property having an acquisition value of $5,000 or more and a normal life expectancy of one year or greater. Standard Operating Procedure for the Capitalization of Moveable Equipment: SOP link


The title to or ownership of all University Property is vested in the Board of Trustees of Indiana University. Title to federally purchased property may be retained by the sponsoring agency or vested in the University, depending on the regulations of the agency and the terms of the research contract. In no case whatsoever does property become the property of the project director or the principal investigator or any other individual unless sanctioned acquisition processes have been followed.